
Spreading Live Oak Tree Pendant

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Tree Pendant Spreading Live oak in sterling

This slightly oval design was inspired by a huge and ancient spreading live oak on a friends property.  Her horses often spend time in it's cooling shade. The tree is a symbol of strength, protection, beauty and life in many cultures. Often called the tree of life, these days it is also a symbol for the love of nature.

This tree pendant is  is 20 x 23 mm ( 3/4 x 7/8 inches ), slightly smaller than the round tree which is 1 inch

This tree pendant has been handmade in Peter's workshop using lost wax casting. Peter has been Silver smith and painter for more than twenty years in Gainesville FL.
Please allow 5 to 7 days to complete your order.  

Any metal or jewelry polish can be used to remove tarnish and restore the original luster. You can also use a paste made of baking soda and water and rub it with your fingers.   Your tree pendant is shipped in a hand signed gift box.  It makes a special gift for a man or woman young and old or for the entire family.

 First Class shipping is the least expensive but is also the slowest.  Priority is faster and safer for a few dollars more.

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